Monday 29 March 2010

Completion of 23Things

I would just like to say that i have enjoyed the 23 Things programme. It has been both interesting and educational and given me a good insight into the web2.0. I will now be able to utilise this knowledge in my job going forward and at home. The web 2.0 can be used to great affect to gain and share knowledge between libraries and if used correctly will be very advangtaeous in the future. My only criticism is that perhaps the programme could have been shorter or longer with only 1 thing a week. Some weeks it was difficult to fit it into the workload.
My favourite things were setting up my iGoogle page, Flickr, podcasts, twitter and Wikis.
I am now off to register my completion - until next time.......... bookmarks on iGoogle page

Hi, i have just added delicious bookmarks to my iGoogle page and edited them to show my own bookmarks. This was again fairly simple to do. I now have quite a few gadgets on my homepage.

Use a blogger gadget

Hi, i have successfully added my Flickr Photostream to my blog. It was very easy and has been added to my other gadgets on my layout page.

Monday 22 March 2010

Sign in to ThinkFree Office

This format proved to be ok once i was able to access it. It took about 3 minutes to initially access the programme through Java. I would wholly recommend the Google Document format as a much quicker way.

Create a Google Document

I found this task very easy and have shared my document with Alison Maloney.
The usage of this format was very familiar and fast loading.

Monday 15 March 2010


I have already used Wikipedia many times as i have it set up on my I-Google account homepage. However, this time i used it to look up information on the English Civil War and also the American Civil War. The volume and information contained therein is incredible and you should not fail to find everything you are looking for. A very good tool indeed!

Explore and contribute to a wiki

Hi i went to the Oxford web2.0 wiki and browsed through it. I didn't contribute as i haven't implemented any web 2.0 tools but i had a look at some of the links including working parties and other libraries. A very interesting quick way of finding out info.